1. Highest GPA Award
2. Subject Excellence Awards (e.g., Math, Science, English)
3. Most Improved Student Award
4. Academic Achievement Award
5. Honor Roll Award
Non-Academic Awards
1. Best Artist/Artisan Award
2. Outstanding Musician Award
3. Sportsmanship Award
4. Leadership Award
5. Community Service Award
Behavioral Awards
1. Best Behavior Award
2. Most Respectful Student Award
3. Peer Mediator Award
4. Classroom Helper Award
5. Attendance Award
Special Awards
1. Overcoming Adversity Award
2. Courage Award
3. Perseverance Award
4. Innovation Award
5. Creative Thinking Award
Certificate Awards
1. Certificate of Achievement
2. Certificate of Appreciation
3. Certificate of Excellence
4. Certificate of Participation
5. Certificate of Completion
Trophy Awards
1. Student of the Year Trophy
2. Subject Champion Trophy
3. Sports Trophy
4. Arts Trophy
5. Leadership Trophy
Medal Awards
1. Gold/Silver/Bronze Medals for academic achievements
2. Medal for Outstanding Performance
3. Medal for Exceptional Talent)